Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wellllllllllllllllll, it's CARNIVAL TIMMMMMMEEEEE...!!!

So the fam participated in our first Mardi Gras float ride of 2010 today. We rode in the Krewe of Gemini Parade in Gulfport this afternoon. And as always, it was a blast.

Of course, janky ole' Murphy and his "Laws" showed up, of course... And our oh-so-reliable cousins Bud and Johnny messed up the music! I don't know why, after 3 years of riding in parades, we don't have a standard music system set up yet, but I guess we wouldn't be the Krewe of Krazees if something didn't go wrong.

So, musicless, yet STILL crunk, the parade rolled on. Leave it to El and Kim to have the most ridiculous throws ever - yes, the Joneses showed up and showed out! We had V-Day treats for days.... The typical Mardi Gras panty? Oh, that's sooo pase! The Joneses roll w/ REAL heart emblazoned boxers and REAL tank and panty night sets! Hehehe... Can my fellow Coasties imagine how those parade go-ers were killing themselves for THOSE talismens! It was quite the experience, I MUST say! And even though I didn't chip in a dime on throws, there were tons to spare!

My sis and I ponder the phenom of Mardi Gras throws every year. Why oh why do people darn near throw themselves in front of moving vehicles for a 2 cent plastic frisbee, stuffed bear, or worse yet, the coveted "titty bead?" But there's something magical about catching plastic what-nots from mobile chariots filled with drunkards. On any given Sunday, a bag full of purple, green, & gold beads, doubloons, candy, and trinkets is considered worthles junk, but on Fat Tuesday these things are the treasure of all "Coast Trash!"

But the phenom definitely is multi-faceted as it differs between pardade goers and parade riders. I've spent 20+ years as a goer, and courtesy of my old neighbor Timmy, I have been upgraded to a "rider." I remember it like it was yesterday. Picture it, Forest View Apartments, 2006... I was standing in my parking lot talking to my neighbor Timmy, when I suggested for him to make me a float out of the eyesore trailer that was bringing down my property value by the minute. He said SURE he would - of course I didn't believe him until he pulled up in my lot about a week later w/ the project completed w/ flying colors. So the Krewe of Krazees was born that fateful day, and the rest is THERAPY! :)

And like I mentioned, parade "riding" is a totally different monster from parade "going." There's the countless hours spent painting and decorating the float and counless dollars spent on throws.  This year, I piggybacked off Mom and Kim on throws (thanks guys!), but I can attest that they've spent hundreds, if not thousands on trinkets. It's funny, if you really think about it, to spend soooo much on seemingly worthless crap that will be literaly thrown away to hundreds of screaming "Throw Me Something" Misters...  But wait, that's just it...  It's the rush of delighting the random 6-year-old whose day you make by tossing them a simple Mardi Gras bead that makes it all worth it.  Seriously, it's an AMAZING rush when the little boy celebrates after catching the purple frisbee you just tossed him.  (Personally, I get happy when my aim actually gets the treat to the right person!)

Anyway, that's Mardi Gras!  And this is your daily Kerrapy!

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